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Singing in the King’s Choir

Morning Bible Reader: Vaughan Roberts

Catch Up | Keswick Methodist Church
Monday-Friday | 11:30am-12:45pm | Main Tent
  • Monday – The Universal King: Psalm 1-2
Psalms 1 and 2 introduce us to the themes, message, and characters that dominate the whole book. God’s King, the Messiah, will one day rule over all nations, so wise people worship him.
  • Tuesday – The Suffering King: Psalm 13

God’s King experiences suffering and rejection before he receives the fullness of his Kingdom. His honest, trusting Psalms of lament provide models for the prayers of his people as we share in his sufferings.

  • Wednesday – The Absent King: Psalm 74

The Psalms are heart cries of the godly. In a time of exile, when God can feel very distant, the faithful experience real anguish and yet still cling to his promise that one day his King will be enthroned and all will be put right. Does my heart beat like this?

  • Thursday – The Divine King: Psalm 99

In difficult circumstances, we can still praise God, the just and merciful King, who rules over all the earth. So let us lift up our hearts and give thanks to the Lord.

  • Friday – The Coming King: Psalm 132 & 150

Our journey may be hard, but we can be sure that we are on the way home to the heavenly Jerusalem, where God’s King reigns supreme and all is well. So we ‘stagger onward rejoicing.’ Praise the Lord!

Sung Worship Led By: Joyful Noise

Sunday Services

All Age Service – 10:30-11:30am | Main Tent

Guest Speakers in Keswick Churches

St John’s Church


Mark Galpin 

Crosthwaite Church


Vaughan Roberts

Keswick Methodist


David McKie

Lake Road Chapel


Gareth Lewis

Kings Church


Matthew Sleeman

John 20-21

Catch Up | Keswick Methodist Church

7:30-9:00pm | Main Tent

Sung Worship Led By: Joyful Noise


Living the Risen Life as an Act of ImaginationMark Meynell

Keswick Methodist Relay | Catch Up
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri | 9:30-10:30am | Main Tent
  1. Resurrection Prophesied: God Love Life!
  2. Resurrection Prophesied: Old Testament Expectations
  3. Resurrection Imagined: The Christian Life – We Have Been Raised
  4. Resurrection Imagined: Heaven – We Will Be Raised

Magic and Supernatural: Kirsten Birkett and Kristi Mair

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri | 9:30-10:30am | PF G.04
  1. Magic and Supernatural (Part One)
  2. Magic and Supernatural (Part Two)
  3. Darkness: Navigating and Understanding Spiritual Realities
  4. Light: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Darkness

Art/Music Fulfilling Creation: Andrew Peterson

Mon, Tues | 9:30-10:30am | Base Camp Theatre
  1. The Father of Delights: Art Making and the Redemption of Time
  2. The Morning Star Rises: The Creative Process as Light in the Darkness

Living For Christ in the Public Square: Fulfilment, Authenticity and WitnessGraham Daniels 

Thurs, Fri | 9:30-10:30am | Base Camp Theatre
  1. Living For Christ in the Public Square: Fulfilment, Authenticity and Witness (Part One)
  2. Living For Christ in the Public Square: Fulfilment, Authenticity and Witness (Part Two)

Mission: Mark Galpin and Sue Barclay

Mon, Tues | 9:30-10:30am | PF 1.02
  1. Reaching Out to a World in Need of Hope
  2. A World on the Move

Integrity: Mike Reeves

Thurs | 9:30-10:30am | PF 1.02
  1. Integrity

Supporting Children with Gender Questions: David McKie

Fri | 9:30-10:30am | PF 1.02
  1. Supporting Children with Gender Questions

Keswick Lecture

Keswick Methodist Relay |  Catch Up
Wednesday | 9:30-10:30am | Main Tent

Eric Liddell: Safe to Serve – Graham Daniels

Graham is a former professional footballer and now General Director of Christians in Sport. As the 2024 Olympic Games begins in Paris, Graham will be taking the opportunity to explore the life of Eric Liddell – Scottish sprinter, rugby player and Christian missionary.

Engage, Explore, Relax

We aim to keep afternoons clear during Convention so you can reflect and enjoy all the lake district has to offer. However, there is a concert each week and a few receptions for particular groups on site in the afternoon for those looking for something more.

There is also plenty of time in the afternoons to explore the beautiful surroundings of Keswick and the Lake District.

Visit the Enjoy Keswick Website to browse Food & Drink, Shopping, Outdoor Activities, Museums and more!

What's On

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New to Convention Welcome

Sunday | 1:30-2:30pm | PF 1.01

For those who are attending Convention for the first time or looking for more information about the Convention and Keswick Ministries.

Keswick Fellowship Connect

Monday | 6:00-7:00pm | Rawnsley Suite

For committee members or designated representatives of national and international Keswick Fellowship events to meet together for a time of encouragement and sharing.

Mission Personnel Reception

Tuesday | 3:00-5:00pm | PF 1.01

This event is for mission personnel who work overseas. Welcome! Come and chat, share, and pray together with other mission personnel, as well as listen to a short talk. A place to share honestly about the trials and joys in a room of people who understand the ebbs and flows, highs and lows all too well.


This event is for mission personnel to provide an opportunity to support, chat, and connect with others who also serve God around the world.

Families of Mission Personnel Reception

Wednesday | 3:00-5:00pm | PF 1.01

This event is for family members of mission partners to provide an opportunity to chat and connect with others who have loved ones serving God around the world.

This is a great opportunity for those whose children, grandchildren, brothers or sisters are living and working overseas to get together and share fellowship, experiences and ideas. There will be some input on how family members can support their loved ones well, but also how they can be supported themselves. Please register at the convention reception. 

Christians in the Workplace

Wednesday and Thursday | 1:15-2:15pm | PF 1.01

An opportunity for those working in similar environments to come together and discuss some of the encouragements and challenges you experience as Christians in your sector, as well as bring questions to a panel from the ‘Your Job, God’s Work’ stand.

There is a guide on which day sectors meet, but don’t feel restricted to these times:

Wednesday – Private Sector (trades, cleaning, agriculture, hospitality, retail, business, IT, the arts…)

Thursday – Public Sector (healthcare, education, social care, law enforcement, local council)

Preaching the Word with Monday in Mind – Special Church Leaders Session

Thursday | 2:30-3:30pm | PF 1.01

One of the primary ways that disciples of Jesus are empowered for fruitful living in their everyday contexts is through the preaching of the word. But research suggests that contemporary preaching is much more effective in empowering people for gathered church activities and personal devotion than for engagement in their Monday to Saturday contexts. Come join LICC’s Mark Greene and Sam Brown, and the EA’s Danny Webster, as they share the key lessons and insights gleaned from twenty years of working with hundreds of pastors to equip God’s people ‘for every good work’ through the word.

Michael J Tinker

Tuesday | 2:30-3:30pm | Main Tent

‘I’ve Got a Song About That!’ Family Show with Michael J Tinker.

Join Michael and the crew on another madcap adventure full of songs about Jesus! Captain Archibald is hunting through the ship for the mysterious IGASAT… will he find it? What even is it? Does anyone else even care? An hour long, Bible-filled show for all the family.


Keswick Unconventional Concert

Thursday | 9:15-10:15pm | Main Tent |  Catch Up
Join James Cary, Andrew Peterson and a range of KU artists for music, comedy and spoken word performances.

Lunchtime Concerts

Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs | 1:15-2:15pm | Base Camp 2

Workshops & Activities

Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs | 2:30-5:00pm | Base Camp 2

Windows on the Word

Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed | 7:30-8:45pm | Base Camp 2

Night Shift

Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed | 9:30-10:30pm | Base Camp 2

Keswick Unconventional Concert

Thursday | 9:15-10:15pm | Main Tent |  Catch Up

Join James Cary, Andrew Peterson and a range of KU artists for music, comedy and spoken word performances.

Visit Base Camp

Base Camp is a vibrant hub of activity, hosting our famous global mission agency exhibition, which helps to engage and connect conventioners with mission beyond their time in Keswick.

19-24s at Keswick

In light of our convention theme Resurrection, we’ll be exploring what difference Christ’s resurrection makes to our lives now, and into eternity. Each morning we’ll be meeting for our seminar track to get stuck into this topic.

Morning Gathering: Monday-Friday | 9.30am - 11am | PF 1.01

Monday – Assurance

We start the week by looking at the importance of the resurrection for our faith – it’s through the resurrection that we are assured of who Jesus is (Lord & God) and what he has done (gained forgiveness, justification and eternal life for us).

Tuesday – Bodies

For clues about what our resurrection bodies will be like we can look to Jesus after the resurrection. Still human, but better. 1 Corinthians 15 helps us to understand that our resurrection bodies are glorious, imperishable and godly, which means that all of the things we struggle with now (sin, decay and dissatisfaction) will be done away with.

Wednesday – Keswick Lecture (Main Tent)

We will join the Keswick Lecture in the Main Tent.

Thursday – Work

Thinking about our bodies being renewed also shapes the way that we think about work. Because Christ was raised, and because we’re raised with him, means that the stuff we do now has worth and value beyond today. Just as what we do to our bodies matters, so does what we do with our bodies. If God is going to renew our bodies and this creation, what makes us think we won’t do the same with our work?

Friday – Mission

The reality of the resurrection is that Jesus has been declared Lord and God, that he is on the throne, he will come to judge the world, and every knee will bow before him. The resurrection of Christ is the prequel to the resurrection of the world, and as people who know what that means, we have the responsibility and privilege of going to get people ready for it.

Afternoon Social: Monday-Friday

Whether you’ve come to Keswick as part of a group, or you’re here on your own, we’d love to help you create community this week! Socials will take place each weekday afternoon – check the Instagram @keswick_19-24s for more info!

Late Night: Sunday-Thursday | 9:15pm - 10:15pm | PF 1.01

Each evening, after the Evening Celebration, we’ll gather for 19-24s Late Night. Join us for an eclectic mixture of interviews, games, prayer, music, and general fun. A great way to end each day!

Prayer at Convention

Prayer is an important part of the Convention, both in bringing our thanksgiving and requests to God, and supporting those who would appreciate prayer with our team.

Morning Prayer Meetings

Monday-Friday | 8:45-9:15am | Base Camp

Join us each morning for a time of prayer as we bring thanksgiving and prayer requests to our gracious God.

Prayer Room

Monday-Friday | 8:30-10:30am & 13:00-16:00pm | PF G.08

A quiet space to pray throughout the week. Open when Kids & Youth programmes are not taking place.

Prayer Team

Our Prayer Team are available to pray with you after morning and evening meetings in the Main Tent. The Prayer Space is to the right of the stage.

If you are in full-time, pastoral ministry, you can book a prayer appointment with the team during the week.

Visit the Convention Reception to book.

Keswick Convention is Made Possible by Kind Supporters Like You

Keswick Convention is free of charge making the event accessible to all. 

We are dependent on our supporters to keep the Convention running each year. 

Keswick Kids

Register children for our dedicated Keswick Kids groups which run alongside the Bible Reading and Evening Celebration sessions.

These sessions include small groups, games and activities, singing and prayer all centred around learning from God’s word.

Find out more about Keswick Kids and Keswick Youth.

Team Leader: Katherine & Stui Chaplin
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All Age Service – Sunday

10:30am | Main Tent

Morning Session – Monday to Friday

11am-1pm | Pencil Factory

Team Leader: Rebecca Holden & Jo Goody

All Age Service – Sunday

10:30am | Main Tent

Morning Session – Monday to Friday

11am-1pm | Pencil Factory

Team Leader: Rachel Waddington & Katherine Chaplin

All Age Service – Sunday

10:30am | Main Tent

Morning Session – Monday to Friday

11am-1pm | Pencil Factory

Team Leader: Katherine Brook

All Age Service – Sunday

10:30am | Main Tent

Morning Session – Monday to Friday

11am-1pm | Pencil Factory 

Evening Session – Sunday to Friday

7:15-9:10pm | Pencil Factory

Team Leader: Sam Gillespie

Additional Needs Guides for Parents


Keswick Youth

Register for our dedicated Keswick Youth groups which run alongside the Bible Reading and Evening Celebration sessions.

These sessions include small groups, games and activities, singing and prayer all centred around learning from God’s word.

Find out more about Keswick Kids and Keswick Youth.

Team Leader: Matt Holden
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

All Age Service – Sunday

10:30am | Main Tent

Morning Session – Monday to Friday

11am-1pm | Pencil Factory

Evening Session – Sunday to Thursday

7:15-9:10pm | Pencil Factory

Late Nite – Sunday to Thursday

9:15-10:15pm | Pencil Factory

Team Leader: Sarah Bradley

All Age Service – Sunday

10:30am | Main Tent

Morning Session – Monday to Friday

11am-1pm | Pencil Factory

Evening Session – Sunday to Thursday

7:15-9:10pm | Pencil Factory

Late Nite – Sunday to Thursday

9:15-10:15pm | Pencil Factory

Team Leader: Tom Brown

All Age Service – Sunday

10:30am | Main Tent

Morning Session – Monday to Friday

11am-1pm | Pencil Factory

Evening Session – Sunday to Thursday

7:15-9:10pm | Pencil Factory

Late Nite – Sunday to Thursday

9:15-10:15pm | Pencil Factory

Team Leader: Nick Tucker

Week 3 of Keswick Convention incorporates Keswick Unconventional, an arts programme featuring a range of Christian artists, performers, and leaders. As well as running meetings alongside the Main Tent sessions, there are interactive workshops and seminars, to concerts and evening entertainment.

Lunchtime Concerts:

  • Monday – Eilidh Patterson (music)
  • Tuesday – Stewart and Carol Henderson with Yvonne Lyon (poetry and music)
  • Wednesday – John Redeemed and Graham McDonald (Revelation with improvised music)
  • Thursday – Michael Tinker, Sarah Beattie and Guests (music and other)
Afternoon Workshops:
  • Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs – KU’s ‘How To’ Workshops 
  • Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs – Art Workshops
Window on the Word:
  • Sunday – Rückenfigur: Follow Me (John 10:27 and 13:36)
  • Monday – What If vs What Is (John 11:1-44)
  • Tuesday – Hero’s Journey (John 16:28)
  • Wednesday – Dove Story (John 1:32)
  • Thursday – Hark and Behold (John 1:28)
The Night Shift:
  • Sun, Mon, Tues, Weds – James Cary and Rachel Redeemed 
Evening Concert:
  • Thursday – Keswick Unconventional Concert

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