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Your Invitation

Many people have been impacted by the Bible-focused teaching at the Convention, many churches renewed and God’s mission advanced across the world. We have seen God at work in Keswick.

We would like to invite you to help us shape the future today and open doors so that believers for generations to come can hear the Word of God, see their lives transformed and make a difference in their own communities.

Why leave a gift in your will?

Every year, we welcome close to 15,000 people to our summer convention. By leaving a legacy to Keswick Ministries, you will help us continue our work of bringing Christians of all ages, backgrounds and experiences together to worship, study His Word and encourage each other. You will also ensure the Convention remains free of charge and accessible to all those seeking to strengthen their walk with Christ.

Your gift will help teach the next generation.

By God’s grace, we have seen more and more children and youth attend the young people’s programmes during the summer. 
Your legacy will help us provide strong teaching to a generation of young Christians who will be part of tomorrow’s Church.

How to Leave a Legacy

  1. Decide what you would like to leave: a percentage of your estate or a particular sum of money.

  2. Ask a solicitor to write or update your will or consult a financial advisor on giving a gift via bank transfer.*

    • Gifts can be left in a will or given via bank transfer.

  3. Ensure that you specify who you wish to leave the gift to and include our registered charity number: 108358

  4. Contact us to let our donations team know about your gift and for any further information:

*Keswick Ministries information should not be taken as financial advice, you should consult your solicitor or financial advisor before leaving a legacy gift.

David Coffey OBE

Keswick Ministries has had a unique influence in my life. It was during a Convention that I heard the call of God to the Christian ministry, and I am passionate that a new generation will be raised up to serve the Lord “for such a time as this”. Your generous investment will guarantee a fruitful spiritual legacy.

Keswick Ministries
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