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There are three fundamental priorities which shape all we do as we look to serve the local church.
The Scriptures are the foundation for the church’s life, growth and mission, and Keswick Ministries is committed to preach and teach God’s Word in a way which is faithful to Scripture and relevant to Christians of all ages and backgrounds.
From its earliest days the Keswick movement has encouraged Christians to live godly lives in the power of the Spirit, to grow in Christ-likeness and to live under his Lordship in every area of life. This is God’s will for his people in every culture and generation.
The authentic response to God’s Word is obedience to his mission, and the inevitable result of Christ-likeness is sacrificial service. Keswick Ministries seeks to encourage committed discipleship in family life, work and society, and energetic engagement in the cause of world mission.
The Keswick movement has always sought to highlight the call to follow and be like Christ.
This has been part of our DNA as an event and movement since 1875. As Christians we seek to live in accordance with biblical guidelines in our lives, whether they are our relationships, attitudes or behaviours.
We aim to demonstrate this in our lifestyles, as we influence others daily. This includes regular Bible reading, prayer and active involvement in local church and the community.
This is shown through a selfless attitude to possessions, time, work, leisure, social activities and relationships.
Demonstrating moral standards, including an acceptance that the only appropriate place for a sexual relationship is within a marriage between a man and a woman.
Whilst we recognise that as fallen people we often fall short of this ideal, we believe that God’s grace and forgiveness are always available to those who repent. We nevertheless expect that all those working with us will affirm these principles and be committed to work towards achieving such a lifestyle with God’s help.
Keswick Ministries’ values shape who we are, what we do, and how we do what we do. They are not imposed. We believe they describe us. They are fundamental to our identity – a bit like DNA.
Over and above everything is CHRIST – dependent on him, listening to him, seeking to be like him, in his name, making him known, for his glory.
Keswick Ministries behaviour code for working with children, young people (up to the age of 18) and adults at risk of harm
This code is incorporated into the KM Beliefs & Behaviours document that all those working with Keswick Ministries as asked to accent to and comply with
This behaviour code outlines the conduct expected of all workers (staff and volunteers).
The code of conduct aims to help protect adults at risk of harm, children and young people from abuse and inappropriate behaviour from those in positions of trust, and to reduce the risk of unfounded allegations of abuse being made.
When working with children and young people or adults at risk of harm, you are acting in a position of trust for Keswick Ministries. You will be seen as a role model and must act appropriately.