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For many scientists today, the idea that science and religion are in conflict is an outdated notion. For thousands of Christians in laboratories around the world, the Bible is relevant and addresses issues that science alone can’t explain.

The Engaging with Science course aims to equip Christians to be able to engage faithfully with challenging ethical and scientific questions.

The course is being held on 23- 24 April by Keswick Ministries in partnership with The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. Science and faith, creation care and human identity will be covered in the two-day conference with renowned key speakers.

Dr Denis Alexander, the Emeritus Director of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion will be a guest speaker along with Dr Ruth Valerio, Global Advocacy and Influencing Director for Tearfund and Dr David Randall, a doctor and researcher in renal medicine in London.

James Robson, Ministry Director for Keswick Ministries, said: “The course aims to equip Christians to be able to engage faithfully with challenging ethical and scientific questions. There will also be a chance to engage with one another, and to get out in the beautiful countryside surrounding Keswick too.

“If you’re a Church leader, a Christian working in a science-related profession, or a Christian with a strong interest in learning how to approach scientific questions through biblical lenses, then this event is especially for you.”

A number of sessions will be held to tackle big questions about the relationship between science and Christian faith, the place of creation care in the life and witness of the church, and medical ethics.

The course will be held in-person in Keswick and it will also be available online for those who would like to take part from home.

The importance of science and faith have been highlighted during this worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr Ruth Bancewicz, Church Engagement Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, said: “There is a message of hope that Christians in the sciences around the world can bring to the church right now. They are demonstrating their love for people by working to the best of their God-given ability, using what resources they have to help improve care for the sick and protect the vulnerable.
“Science will not solve all our problems, but with God’s help and wisdom we can use the tools of science to serve him and love others in this current crisis.”

Click here for more information about the course.

Keswick Ministries
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