Thank You for Your Prayer and Partnership Throughout the Derwent Project!

Dear Friends,
The Derwent Project was always more than just a building. The vision first proposed over a decade ago, was for a new home for Keswick Ministries. But more broadly, it was a vision for the increasingly strategic role Keswick Ministries has to play in uniting and serving the church in the decades to come.
That vision hasn’t dimmed. It has been my joy to join the team at such a crucial stage and see the impact the Derwent Project has already had. It has enabled the Convention to grow, for children and youth work to flourish, for year-round Teaching and Training to expand, and for the production of incredible resources to be offered freely for the church.
By God’s grace, and thanks to our ministry supporters, I am delighted to share with you that we have now completed the £8 million fundraising target for the initial purchase and refurbishment of the Pencil Factory.
From the first gift, over 6,000 supporters have given over 81,000 gifts to the project. Many have volunteered time and skills to help practically with the refurbishment, and many more from across the world have joined with us in prayer.
There have also been many twists and turns along the way from initial plans to realisation. But God in his faithfulness has carried us through them all. And as we look to the decade to come, we do so with joyful dependence on his continuing provision.
So, although the fundraising project is complete and we close the chapter on the Derwent Project, we look forward to the next chapters in the Keswick Ministries story.
There are many aspects of the property still to be developed and even more potential to explore. There are many ministry opportunities we want to take. But it is right to pause, to take stock, and thank our Father for all he has given us through the generosity of his people.
If you’d like to know more about the project vision, goals and impact, you can read more on our website. You can also read our latest article by Elizabeth McQuoid reflecting on the 150 year history of Keswick Convention through to the Derwent Project: Crafting Pencils & Crafting People – Keswick Ministries
Thank you once again for your continued partnership throughout this project, and your prayers as we look forward to the next chapter.
Yours in His grace and goodness,
Mark Ellis
Ministry Director
Keswick Ministries