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Philip and Joan Bush

We came to the Convention in 1963 asking God to confirm whether we should get married. The speaker that year was Graham Miller from Australia who spoke at the Bible Readings from Hosea and specifically spoke about Courtship, Engagement and Marriage.
We knew God was confirming for us to go ahead and as Joan’s parents were also at Keswick that year celebrating their Silver Wedding. Philip was able to ask their permission and so we were engaged on the Wednesday evening. On Wednesday afternoon we climbed Skiddaw with the ring in Philip’s pocket and kept bumping into several people we knew! After the evening service, we went to ‘do the deed’ at Castlehead and met Rev Arthur Gove who had brought us to Keswick and insisted on taking us out for supper, not knowing we had other plans. So we went to the café above the Clock Tower and had egg and chips!!! Eventually we were able to get to our favourite place at Castlehead and had our own romantic moment! On Friday, we were walking down the street in Keswick and bumped into Graham Miller and told him our story and he prayed with us there on the street! What a blessing. In his autobiography, he refers to us although not by name.
Last year we celebrated our Diamond Wedding with our four children and 14 grand children and partners – God has been so good to us over the years of school teaching 20 years, pastoring two churches 20 years with house parenting in between with WEC for 2 years in West Africa, pastoring in a Retreat Centre in Hong Kong for 4 years and pastoring workers in China for 7 years. Now at 83 taking things a bit slower but hoping to make a couple of days at Keswick this year. Maranatha – He is coming again – this is the name of our home! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

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