Mark Ellis
Chief Executive
I’ve been a Pastor, worked in cross-cultural mission in Asia, and led teams in student ministry. In all we’ve done, Joanne and I are convinced what people most need is to see the richness of the gospel on every page of God’s Word and to see Jesus more beautifully so that we want to walk with him more closely.
And that’s why I love Keswick Ministries! Because our passion is to see people drawn closer to the same heart-melting Saviour. To have our desires changed from the inside out so that we want to be like the one who has won our hearts. And to so enjoy him that we find it impossible to keep quiet about him, finding that his love for us overspills to our families and work-mates; it impacts our society as we seek what is best for our communities; it sends us out to pray and go to the nations, so that all peoples everywhere may have the opportunity to taste and see how good our God is.
I don’t have a favourite verse. The whole Bible shows me a God I would want to trust. But I do come back most often to Jesus’ invitation: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest… for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11.28-29) That’s who I want to know, to be like, and to make known.