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Convention Visitors make a “huge difference” to Keswick Area Food Share

Clare Horsburgh from Keswick Area Food Share said that this year’s Keswick Convention visitors have had a significantly positive impact on the scheme with “tremendous donations and lots of luxury foods that we would not normally receive.”

Clare continues: “The response was so good I had to go several times a week to pick up the donations as there was so much!”

This is the 2nd year running that Convention visitors have boosted donation amounts during the annual event. In her speech at this year’s Convention, Mayor Louise Dunn commented “last year’s convention attendees were very generous in donating to the food share.”

Keswick Ministries say they are delighted to be supporting the Keswick community in this way and will continue to promote the cause during Convention time.

Clare continued: “The campsite at Crosthwaite also had a donation point that was much appreciated. Thank you for your help and to all that donated it was a great response that made a huge difference to the share.”

Keswick Area Food Share is a community food hub helping anyone living locally and in need to benefit from donations year-round. There is a collection point located in both Co-op and Booths in Keswick town.

Keswick Ministries
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