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Church Partners

As part of Keswick Ministries’ vision, we aim to support and equip churches in their ministry:
  • Keswick Convention inspires and equips Christians to live for Christ in their local church and community.
  • Our Bible teaching events throughout the year provide training for church leaders, Christians in different work environments and Bible teaching open to all.
  • Our very special Pastoral Refreshment Conference, which gives pastors and their spouses the opportunity to step away from ministry, take time out and find Biblical refreshment over the course of several days in the Lake District.
  • Our facilities are available for churches to use during the year at a discounted rate, whether for a small gathering or a weekend away.

Keep in touch:

Sign up to Keswick Ministries’ church mailing list to receive regular updates including Keswick Convention, teaching & training events, and resources that support your local church.
Our ability to continue this ministry and reach as many churches as possible depends on the generous donations of individuals and churches.
Would you partner with us and other churches in creating more opportunities to support Christian ministry in this country and abroad?
Engage your church to pray with us: follow us on PrayerMate for up-to-date prayer needs or check out our prayer calendar.
Promote and Share: Tell your church through notices and announcements about the Convention, about year-round teaching and training events and other ways to support Keswick Ministries. Make leaflets available to attract more to this exciting and refreshing Christian hub.

Encourage volunteers:

It takes more than 650 volunteers each year to run the Keswick Convention. There are many wonderful opportunities for volunteers of all ages to serve at this historic event in the beautiful Lake District and make Conventioners stay extra special.

It is a wonderful experience and many of our volunteers have made friendships which last a life-time. To volunteer, please visit the Volunteer page. You might like to come as a group and make it that much more special for your church community.

Donate to the work of Keswick Ministries

Keswick Ministries
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