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Simon Hale

Simon Hale

I am a solicitor at Ellis-Fermor & Negus in Nottingham practising in the fields of commercial property and charity law. I became a Christian as a child through the witness of my parents and the wider church family.

It is a tremendous privilege to have been part of God’s kingdom from an early age and this has driven my involvement in youth ministry over the last 30 years. I particularly value Keswick Ministries for its intergenerational work – my own children came to faith at the Convention and it has been a source of encouragement and refreshment to 3 generations of my family for many years. The summer Convention programme allows time for me to enjoy hill walking and also some kayaking although I have recently had the opportunity to serve as part of the youth team.

One verse I keep coming back to is James 1 v 17 (“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”) which was a tremendous source of comfort at a time when my wife was seriously ill.

Keswick Ministries
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