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Fiona Bruce MP was appointed the UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief in 2020 and is currently Chair of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance of 42 countries committed to championing freedom of religion or belief (‘FoRB’) across the world.

As the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy, Fiona co-hosted the recent London International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief. This brought together more than 1000 delegates including government representatives from over 80 countries, faith leaders, civil society groups and individuals with personal experience of persecution, to discuss today’s global challenges to FoRB – and, critically, to promote practical solutions to address these.

A Solicitor by profession, Fiona has been MP for Congleton, Cheshire for 13 years, during which time her work in Parliament has included serving on the Select Committee scrutinising the distribution of UK Aid, and Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group.




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