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John Taylor

John Taylor

I am married to Fiona, and we have one toddler and one on the way. I had the privilege of growing up in a home where Jesus was known and taught and first asked Jesus for forgiveness as an 8-year-old (I think!)  and got baptised aged 16. But it was whilst at Nottingham University that the gospel really had a significant impact on my life and it was there that I got a taste for gospel ministry. Having worked for churches in London, Birmingham and Surrey, and trained for ministry at Oakhill, in 2019 we landed in Southampton and we’re loving serving at Christ Church, where I’m Associate Minister.

My introduction to Keswick was through a friend who invited me to be a part of the Week 2 17 + team. I enjoyed it so much that I kept coming back and inviting others, and for the last few years I’ve been leading the team. One of the many things that continues to impress me about Keswick is that it is not all about Keswick. I love the commitment to encouraging and enabling people to serve King Jesus when they away from Keswick and the passion in the youth and kids work to support the year-round ministry of the family and the local church.

My favourite bible verse is probably Ephesians 1:3, to be a Christian is an inestimable privilege gifted to rebels like me.

Keswick Ministries
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