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For nearly 150 years, Keswick Ministries has drawn together believers from across the world to sit under God’s Word, be refreshed in His creation, and be equipped for His mission.

From the beginning, Keswick Ministries’ core convictions, guiding values and motivating mission have remained the same. However, we’ve always been intentional about finding fresh ways of sharing our vision with each new generation of believers.

One of the most significant and visible ways we present our values, vision and mission as an organisation is through our Brand Identity. This includes our visual identity (our logo, our typography, our colour palette and our design), our messaging (the words we use to describe and express our mission and vision), and our communications (the means by which we reach people and invite them to join in).

Our current brand identity has served us and our community well for years by representing something of our guiding convictions—to know and proclaim Christ from the heart of the Lakes to ends of the earth—through the much-loved crown-over-the-water logo.

While this imagery works well to capture the vision at the heart of our ministry, over the past few years, we have increasingly recognised the need to update our brand identity to help us engage the next generation—retaining this significant imagery whilst better representing us as a joyful, diverse, global family of believers on a shared mission.

So, we’ve been working closely with a specialist Christian creative agency, Something More Creative®, to develop an updated brand identity that presents Keswick Ministries’ mission, vision and values in a way that is faithful to where we’ve come from while helping us step forward into a new season.

What does it look like?

You’ll see the new brand identity in everything you interact with from Keswick Ministries. Through a new logo, graphic system, colour palette, typography and photography, it will help us better present ourselves in a way that is faithful to who we really are: opening up windows to show our values and convictions with focus, depth and clarity.

Our new ‘crown’ logo is a dynamic and playful expression of our identity. It gives new life to familiar elements from the old logo—the crown and water imagery—as well as emphasising the community, fellowship and gospel mission at the heart of our ministry: ‘all one in Christ Jesus.’

In some ways, the new visual identity will feel familiar to those who have journeyed with us through the years. This is intentional—we wanted our new brand identity to feel like a continuation and extension of our history and heritage, rather than a break from it.

With help from Something More Creative®, we’ve worked hard to ensure that our new brand identity is a faithful and robust expression of the vision and values that have guided us for decades, while helping us step forward in our mission, better serve our community, and draw more people to be part of it.

You’ll begin to see the new brand identity appear around the place in the coming months—please bear with us as we do so, as it’s a big job!

Please join us in praying that this work will help serve our mission of inspiring and equipping Christians to love and live for Christ in His world, and ultimately bless more people through it.

Keswick Ministries
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