Venue: Newby Bridge Hotel
Cost: £275 per person
Meals: Refreshment and meals included
Accommodation: Included
Timings: 4:00pm 3rd/5th February – 2:00pm 5th/7th February
Hearts at Rest in Jesus
In partnership with Living Leadership, these conferences are a place where church leaders and their spouses can come to receive from the Lord and be refreshed for their life in ministry. Set in the beautiful Lake District, there is a choice of two 3-day mini-breaks:
– Monday 3rd – Wednesday 5th February 2025
– Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th February 2025
The conferences are specially tailored to the needs of leaders, with refreshment and encouragement through Bible talks, discussion groups, prayer and space. With it’s emphasis on experiencing God’s grace, the annual Pastoral Refreshment Conference is regularly described as an essential oasis where church leaders and their spouses can take a step back from daily ministry demands, share fellowship with others in similar contexts, be prayed for, and be refreshed for the seasons ahead.
The theme of 2025’s conference is Hearts at Rest; that we can only serve for the long-haul if we ourselves are settled and secure in our own rest in Jesus.
It is a wonderful privilege to be engaged in any form of Christian service or leadership. But there are occupational hazards. Among these hazards are discouragement, disappointment and exhaustion. Sometimes we feel as if we have come to the end of our natural resources. Isaiah 40 speaks into this situation. God’s people feel that God does not know or does not care about their circumstances (40:27). In this situation Isaiah brings a word of comfort. He does this by focusing their attention on the God who never becomes weary and who promises to give strength to those who feel their need. The purpose of our three sessions together is to discover and experience this wonderful comfort.
Session 1 – Find comfort in your God
Session 2 – Behold your God
Session 3 – Wait on your God
This year’s conferences will be held at the Newby Bridge Hotel in the Lake District.
"A beautiful location, wonderful worship, great teaching and authentic, vulnerable fellowship all combined to provide real refreshment for this thirsty soul!"
- Martyn, Pastoral Refreshment Conference 2024
Key Note Speakers
Paul Mallard
Paul serves as Director for the West Midlands at the FIEC, as well as the chair of its Theology Team. He speaks at numerous Christian events and has trained a generation of church workers. Paul and his wife, Edrie, are parent and grandparents.
Each conference starts on the first day at 4pm with the first of the main session and finishes with lunch on the last day.
The hotel has a swimming pool and there is an opportunity to go for a walk together, so do come prepared with suitable attire!
Cost and Venue
The conference takes place at the Newby Bridge Hotel, Newby Bridge, Cumbria and the cost is £275 per person. The price includes all refreshments and meals.
To register and pay please select the conference you wish to attend and complete the registration form:
For further information contact Carolyn on or on 017687 80075 option 4.
Check out the Living Leadership website for information about their training, resources and other Pastoral Refreshment Conference locations.