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Bible Workshop: Job and Ecclesiastes

March 7 2022 - March 8 2022
This 24 hour workshop, held in Keswick, is aimed to help you grow in your understanding and appreciation of the books of Job and Ecclesiastes and we pray, in your love for the Lord.

In Christian life and ministry, it’s rare that you get the chance to have sustained time looking at two powerful and challenging Old Testament books with someone who has spent many years studying them, and who love Christ and his people!

The books of the Old Testament Wisdom Literature are among the more challenging found in the Bible. They ask hard questions, and, as readers, we are not always satisfied with the answers provided. Yet, at the same time, it is broadly acknowledged that the books of Job and Ecclesiastes speak powerfully to the unchurched world. They ask questions that people from all backgrounds have been asking for millennia and are still asking today. How do we make sense out of the experience of suffering? Where is meaning and purpose in life to be found? What about the sometimes crushing monotony of it all?This workshop will take a bird’s eye overview of Job and Ecclesiastes, focussing on the big picture of the former and some of the details of the latter. It will consider the important theological questions of the texts; how we are to read them and how we are to preach them.

There is no preparatory reading or assessment. This will be an intensive workshop, particularly intended for pastors, ministers, church planters or lay leaders but is open to anyone. The workshop will be led by Jamie Grant, Vice-Principal at the Highland Theological College.[ultimate_spacer height=”20″]


Jamie Grant
Jamie is Vice-Principal (Academic) at Highland Theological College which is part of the University of the Highlands and Islands. He is a Glaswesgian by birth but spent several years overseas before returning to the UK to undertake doctoral studies at the University of Gloucestershire. Jamie’s academic work focuses mainly on the Hebrew poetic texts and he has a passion for popularising the marginalised texts of the Old Testament. Jamie is married to Iwona and they have three adult children.

Who is it for?

Intended for pastors, ministers, church planters or lay readers, but open to anyone.

View the leaflet in PDF format

Cost and Venue

The workshop will be held at Keswick Ministries, in Keswick. The cost will be:

£50 workshop and accommodation

£30 workshop only

To register and pay please complete the registration form below and for further information contact Carolyn on carolyn.south@keswickministries.org or on 017687 80075 option 4.

We understand that occasionally it is necessary to cancel a booking. If you have to cancel your booking we will refund the fee paid for the event, minus 5% admin charge to cover the processing fees we incur. If we have to cancel the event we will refund the full fee paid. Your refund will be processed by the original payment method and you will be notified of the refunded amount.

Keswick Ministries
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