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The Keswick Convention Podcast

Welcome to the Keswick Convention podcast 2024, meeting some of the speakers and seminar leaders to unpack the content and topics that feature at the Convention 2024, where the big theme is ‘Resurrection’.

Hosted by Graham Albans and Matt Holden.

Kes Talks Podcast

Talks for our times from the Keswick Convention.

Kes Talks are talks from God’s Word, given over the past 25 years at the Keswick Convention. They are delivered by a variety of different speakers and we pray that they will be particularly helpful to you at this time. They are available on iTunes, Spotify as well as on Podcasting apps.

To listen to more talks from the Keswick Convention, visit our Talks Library page.

You can also watch previous Keswick Convention meetings via Clayton TV. Go to: www.clayton.tv/ – and buy DVDs and CDs of Keswick Ministries’ teaching and music via Essential Christian. Go to: www.essentialchristian.com/keswick

Keswick Ministries