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Identity Workshop

November 28 2023 - November 30 2023

A workshop to equip delegates who are committed to speaking clearly, truthfully, wisely, pastorally, compassionately, and compellingly on matters of human identity primarily, but not restricted to, gender and sexuality.

Questions of human identity –  evident in recent debates around sexuality and then around gender but not restricted to these – dominate cultural discourse and pastoral ministry. In the bewildering melee, there is a great need for careful listening and for faithful, pastoral, clear and compelling speaking.

Who is it for?

Pastors, youth or organisation leaders and other public-facing Christians committed to engaging. 

Content and Sessions

Events often focus on one or two of the topics below. This workshop, with a practical and interactive approach, looks at:
  1. A Conceptual Framework: Historical / Cultural – Trends of thinking to get here and where we are.
  2. Theological – Key biblical data and theological contours.
  3. Psychological / Scientific.
  4. Legal / Policy.
  5. Pastoral: Guidance and help with handling conversations; compassion and care.
  6. Church and Discipleship: Why the Christian message is good news, and how a church culture can compassionately respond, making that good news plausible.
  7. Practical listening and engaging in; Debate, Media, 1-1 when the issue is not directly personal – e.g., apologetic setting or query at the back of the church.

What Can I Expect from the Sessions?

The approach of the event will be: 

– Workshop based, with participation, rather than a conference;

– Personal, not just theoretical: church backgrounds, personality, personal backgrounds, and experiences all play a part.

– There will be allocated small groups in dedicated slots, for prayer/processing.

Approach to the sessions:

– All sessions aim to have an interactive approach, not just giving ‘awareness’ from the front.

– Different topics will be handled in different ways, all with multiple contributors

– The whole of the final morning will be given over to the practical side of listening and then engaging, with plenty of practice.

Timings, Cost and Venue

The workshop will begin on Tuesday 28 November 2023 with lunch and registration at 1:00pm and will end on Thursday 30 November following lunch at 2:00pm.
Lunch and Evening meals are included throughout the event. 

The workshop will be held in the Keswick Ministries Pencil Factory, in Keswick Cumbria and the cost is £120 per person.


Accommodation is not provided and should be organised on an individual basis. 

There are plenty of bed and breakfasts, hostels, hotels and self-catering cottages to choose from in Keswick.

Keswick Ministries also has a number of rooms in its Skiddaw St Centre available for £27.50 per person per night bed and breakfast. Rooms will be available to book on a first come, first serve basis.

Application to Attend

Due to the nature of this workshop, places are limited to 100 delegates.

Participation is by application (with signing up to Keswick Ministries’ “Beliefs, Values” and “Lifestyle, Morality and Personal Example”, and agreement to the ethos of Keswick Ministries and approach of the event as a condition of involvement).

If you would like to attend the conference you need to apply by completing the online form below. Applications will be assessed and you will hear whether you have a place shortly after your application has been assessed.

If you need any help with the application form please contact Carolyn at carolyn.south@keswickministries.org or on 017687 80075.

Keswick Ministries